Meet the Centenarians

novembre 9, 2023

Joyce James, 104

Joyce, a resident of Losier Hall, NB, went to business school and spent her career working in a dentist’s office.

She loves being busy doing crafts, knitting for the maturity floor at the hospital and loves singing.

When asked Joyce what it feels like to be 100, she said, “I feel no different. I may be slowing down a bit, but I don’t notice it!”

She believes a big part of aging well comes from exercising and diet. “The thing with exercise is it can’t be sporadic. It has to be part of your lifestyle. Set a time to do it and make it part of your routine.”

Phyllis Beaman, 100

Phyllis Beaman, a resident of Parkland at the Lakes, NS, turned 100 on July 22nd. Phyllis says she’s had a wonderful life. She was raised in the country and became a nurse – her husband was an RCMP officer. After retirement, they enjoyed travelling across Canada and the US in their trailer, visiting children in Chicago and Whitehorse.

“I don’t feel any different being 100,” says Phyllis, “I still live independently, participate in exercise classes regularly and enjoy concerts here at Parkland.” Phyllis joins a Lady’s Coffee group every Thursday. All the ladies bring their own mugs with a story to tell. After Phyllis’s recent birthday, she was gifted a new mug from her grandson with the quote, “I am not 100. I’m 18, with 82 years of experience.

Grace Sproule, 100

Grace Sproule a resident at Thomas Hall, NB, enjoyed her 100th Birthday Barbie Bash. The day was celebrated with lots of pink and cake!

Grace has touched many lives with her carefree demeanour and witty personality. When asked how she felt turning 100, she said,’ “It was quite an accomplishment.” She grew up with five siblings, is a mother of four, is a great-grandmother to three and is a devoted wife. Grace has always been family-oriented and says simple things bring her the most pleasure.

Meet the Centenarians in our last edition of Connections


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