JOHSC Safety Spotlight: Eric Skinner  

août 22, 2024

Eric Skinner is the Recreation and Volunteer Coordinator at Arborstone Enhanced Care in Halifax, Nova Scotia.”  

He is also a member of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (JOHSC). His involvement with the JOHSC was driven by a desire to make a positive impact within his community. “I wanted to problem solve and reduce workplace injuries after having one myself,” said Eric. His own experience highlighted the important role safety plays in everyone’s day-to-day lives.  

Eric emphasizes that true workplace safety comes from being comfortable in any environment and understanding the safety measures in place. He advises: “think about how you will achieve a task, and the steps you need to take to complete it. If it doesn’t feel safe, report it, and put safety measures in place before doing it.” 

Safety is everyone’s responsibility. By fostering a culture of safety, we can thrive both at work and in our personal lives. Eric appreciates the support of his JOHSC team members, saying: “I feel comfortable and ready for any task, thanks to my team.”  


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