Since the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have taken extra precautions to keep residents safe during these unprecedented times. This includes restricting visitors at all of our homes.
We know that this change, though necessary, is difficult for residents and families alike. Family members are a big part of our community. We are all so thankful for family members who regularly visit, engage and support residents, and know that limiting in-person interactions can be hard on everyone involved.

But not being able to visit in person doesn’t mean you can’t hear your loved one’s voice or see their smiling face! To help keep these vital connections between residents and families flourishing, we have equipped all of our communities with additional technological supports, including iPads, so residents can call, FaceTime and video chat with the people they love.
Midge, a resident at Parkland Fredericton, has been taking advantage of this new tech. She uses the new iPad to FaceTime with her daughter in Western Canada. And just look at those smiles!
Olive stays connected and blows kisses to her son and grandchildren over video chat from her home at Vimy Court.
Thank you to every one of our team members who continue to go above and beyond to find unique and creative ways to keep residents and families connected during these challenging times. We’re in this together, and we’re here for you.