Every day, our Great People make a meaningful impression on residents, families and others in the greater community. They are inspired in their daily work by our four Guiding Principles, which are a written reminder to be compassionate, honest, professional and safe in all that we do.
The teams featured on this page have demonstrated exceptional efforts to stay true to these Guiding Principles and they inspire us all.
Every May during Great People Month, we take special pride in celebrating not only our remarkable team members but also the Guiding Principles that inspire our work.


The Team at Parkland Truro
There is nothing more important than the safety of every person who lives and works with us. Shannex measures safety in many ways, including the Safety Profile Score (SPS), a unique tool that documents legislative compliance and assesses occupational health and safety outcomes. A community who holds a robust SPS score is one that maintains a consistent commitment to provincial safety requirements and demonstrates continuous improvement toward creating a culture of safety.Parkland Truro achieved a perfect SPS score for 12 consecutive months. The diligent actions performed monthly by the team ensured there were no employee injuries during that time. This can only be achieved through exceptional commitment and due diligence. Congratulations to the Parkland Truro team for keeping everyone safe,secure, and protected!

L’équipe de gestion du Pavillon Landry et duPavillon Richard
Les équipes très efficaces prennent le temps de se connaître et de se soutenir mutuellement. L’équipe du Pavillon Richard et du Pavillon Landry à Moncton, au N.-B., a établi un lien profond et un système de soutien. Lorsqu’ils ne travaillent pas à fournir des services et des soins aux personnes résidentes, ils dînent ensemble sur la rue Main.Cela leur permet d’établir des liens et a donné lieu à des relations solides et de confiance.
The Team at Pavillon Richard and Pavillon Landry Highly effective teams take time to get to know one another and provide mutual support. The team at Pavillon Richard and Pavillon Landry in Moncton,NB have built a deep connection and support system. When they are not working to provide service and care to residents, they take time to eat lunch together on Main Street. This has led to strong relationships, trust and transparency.

The Team at Medley Hall
Welcoming residents into a new community requires compassion and patience. There are often lots of questions and much time spent getting to know each other. The team at Medley Hall, in Fredericton, NB is an inspirational example of how to do this well. Since opening the doors to their new home in February, the team has not only been a huge support to residents and their loved ones,but they have also shown each other kindness and respect as they settled into a new operating home. Compassion shines bright at Medley Hall.

The Team at Parkland on the Glen
Our dedicated team embodies a commitment to excellence in serving our residents daily. While keeping professionalism top of mind, they embrace the principle of meeting residents where they are, whether it’s through individualized attention or group interactions. They prioritize inclusivity by proactively engaging with residents who may have varying needs, whether it’s leaning in to ensure clear communication for those with hearing impairments or ensuring accessibility for those with visual impairments. At Parkland on the Glen, the team takes pride in fostering both an engaged workforce and delighted residents.