In the fall, the Nursing Home Association of Nova Scotia (NHNSA) hosted an awards gala following their
conference, with three Shannex nominations. Thank you to everyone for your participation in these events. Being asked to take part is a testament to the professionalism and compassion you bring with you
every day. Congratulations to the award finalists and award winner, Dr. Naomi Black.
The Trailblazer Award Nominee: Harbourstone Behavioural Pilot Program
Finding appropriate continuing care options for people with complex responsive behaviours can
be challenging, resulting in some individuals being refused from placement in long term care and
remaining in a hospital. The team at Harbourstone recognized these challenges and piloted a supportive environment for managing responsive behaviours. Since it began, the team welcomed 22 residents who were previously in the hospital or refused from other nursing homes. There have been zero placement refusals and hospitalizations, zero resident-to-resident or resident-to-staff injuries and no requests for 1:1 funding, due to behaviour.

The Cultural Harmony Award Nominee: Colchester Cumberland Team
The Colchester Cumberland Team hosts many events and educational sessions to share culture and diversity with the entire team, residents and their families. In each home in this region, the strength of our diverse and tight-knit community is infectious. The enthusiasm and sincere belief of the entire team in these efforts has influenced our operations beyond this region.

Champion for Dignity Award Winner: Dr. Naomi Black, Parkstone Enhanced Care
Dr. Naomi Black has been a resident of Parkstone Enhanced Care in Halifax for six years. At 87, she devotes her time as an advocate for those living in long term care. Naomi was chosen from 250 applicants from across Canada to participate on the 32-member Technical Committee to develop new National Long Term Care Service Standards. Naomi was one of the founding members of Shannex’s Resident and Family Advisory Committee, serving two terms and recently returning to sit on the Committee for the current year.