Asparagus Carbonara

The Parkland Dining Experience
At Parkland, every detail has been considered to help you live your best life in retirement. Our culinary team takes pride in what they do and get to know each resident personally.
10 oz of dried penne
12 oz of asparagus
4 large eggs
1 and 3/4 oz of parmesan, plus extra to serve
4 slices of smoked bacon
The pastry base: Preheat the oven to 325◦F.Cut a circle of grease proof paper in the bottomof the pastry shell, fill it with dried beans andbake in the preheated oven for 10 minutes.Remove from the oven, take out the beans andpaper and keep the pastry shell at roomtemperature. Lower the oven temperature to300◦F.The lemons: Wash, grate the zest and squeezethe lemons, reserving the zest and juicetogether.The eggs: Break them into a bowl, add sugarand beat lightly with a wire whisk until themixture is smooth and well blended.The cream: Pour the cream onto the eggmixture and mix very lightly with a wire whisk.Stir in the lemon juice and zest, and then pourthe filling onto the pastry case.Cooking: Place immediately in the preheatedoven and bake for 40 minutes. If the top of thetart becomes too brown before the end of thecooking time, cover with foil.Cool completely and enjoy.