Marion’s Creative Crafting  

février 21, 2024

Arborstone Enhanced Care

Marion Wright started crafting in 1970 and hasn’t stopped. She loves creating art for her many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Marion worked as a hospital ward clerk and learned from one of the patients how to create plastic canvas creations. “I learned from other people how to make my crafts, but I am now always trying to make them even better each time,” said Marion. 

Her room, where she spends endless hours crafting, is filled with many different pieces, from hats, mittens, ornaments and even baby toys. She often changes her cras to match the season’s special occasions, with her colourful crafts changing as each season arrives.

Her handiwork is in high demand at Arborstone Enhanced Care, NS, where residents and team members often request her beautiful work.



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