“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.”
On November 11th, we remember the individuals who have served and continue to serve our country during war, conflict and peace. Ceremonies will take place at almost every Shannex and Parkland community.
On Saturday, November 4th, a Remembrance Day service was held at Bridgeview Hall that honoured five veterans, all residents at the enhanced care community in Miramichi, NB. They are Joseph Arsenault, Leonard Pitre, Joseph Yvonne, Jack Murphy, and Joseph Richardson.
Dignitaries from all levels of government were also present. The City of Miramichi Mayor, Adam Lordon was in attendance, along with Regional Commander, Greg Matchett, MLA Miramichi-Neguac Rejean Savoie, and MLA Miramichi-Bay Du Vin Mike Dawson. Representing MP Jake Stewart was Denver Brennan.
Music set the tone for the event, as the “villagers” choir sung while wreaths were placed and poppies pinned. Ten branches of the legion were represented with each laying a wreath in remembrance.