Over the next two years, the Health Standards Organization will be working on new national Long Term Care Services Standards. Informing this work is a 37-member Technical Committee made up of people from across the country who bring various perspectives to the table, including backgrounds in mental health, ethics and infection prevention and control. It also involves some who are living in long term care communities like Parkstone Enhanced Care resident Naomi Black.
“It’s very worthwhile work,” says Naomi. “Providing a voice to those living in long term care is important and not something I take lightly.”
The committee will concentrate on putting together a document that hones in on resident-centred care practices, safe and reliable care and a healthy and competent workforce. The committee meets for two hours each Friday and is required to take part in working meetings, write reports and complete required readings.
A broad range of people from residents and family members to clinicians and everyone in between is encouraged to take part in its Consultation Workbook and Town Halls.
“I think it’s necessary to have as many people weigh in on this as possible,” says Naomi. “I would like to hear from continuing care assistants, housekeepers, dietitians and more residents, as well as staff working in long term care.”
If you would like to make your voice heard, please visit https://longtermcarestandards.ca/engage for more information.