From kitchens to homes, Meals on Wheels provides seniors in Fredericton with nutritious meals and social support to able them to live a healthy and independent lifestyle.
The Community Spirit Grant will fund the Wheels to Meals program. This means more seniors, people with disabilities, and members of the Sitansisk First Nation community can participate in their weekly community meal program.
Many dedicated volunteers run this program including drivers who pick up clients, returning them safely to their homes after the program, and others who help serve the meals and clean up the hall. Their dedicated volunteers deliver on average, 225 meals per day; 5500 meals per month; 66,000 per year to seniors in New Brunswick.
“We strive to combat all too frequent issues of isolation and loneliness while supporting healthy nutrition and independence. The home-cooked, three-course meal is prepared on-site every Tuesday between September and May” – Betty Daniels, Executive Director, Meals on Wheels.
The Shannex Cares community program allows us to influence real change and make a difference in the lives of seniors. One of the ways we do this is through our Community Spirit Grants which offer funding for organizations to support projects and initiatives within our focus areas of seniors’ wellness, seniors’ active living, and seniors’ social connections.
Learn more about our #ShannexCares initiative: Shannex.com/ShannexCares