Gina Smiley, Admin Assistant, Orchard Court, N.S.
Gina Smiley embodies what a team player is. Always available to answer team members’ requests, she goes above and beyond in her role. On some days, Gina is also an unofficial “social worker”, connecting residents, team members, volunteers, and family members. We are so glad to have Gina on our team at Orchard Court

Virginia Lohnes, SSA, Ryan Hall, N.S.
Virginia started her career at Ryan Hall in May 2020. Since then, she has been involved in the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (JOHS) and takes pride in working safely. At the beginning of her shift, she always ensures that locks are functioning on her cart. One day, when she noticed it was not, she proceeded to remove the cart from the floor and placed a work order requisition. Thank you, Virginia, for being a great team member and for taking steps to keep everyone safe.

Samantha Dunbar, CCA, Pavillon Richard, N.B.
Samantha is an affectionate and thoughtful Continuing Care Assistant. From her compassion towards our residents to working safely and having a great positive personality, she makes for an excellent team member at Pavillon Richard

Shawna Beaupré, Recreation Coordinator / Coordonnatrice aux loisirs, Pavillon Landry, N.B.
As a recreation coordinator at Pavillon Landy, Shawna is always thinking of how to brighten the residents’ day. She has a kind soul, an infectious smile and is incredibly wonderful and caring to our residents. We are so proud to have you on our team Shawna!
En tant que coordinatrice des loisirs au Pavillon Landy, Shawna pense toujours à la façon d’égayer la journée des personnes résidentes. Elle a une âme bienveillante, un sourire contagieux et elle est incroyablement merveilleuse etattentionnée envers nos personnes résidentes. Nous sommes très fiers de t’avoirdans notre équipe, Shawna !