For the last two years Brad Dykens, a CCA from Orchard Court, has led Team Shannex in participating in the Coldest Night of the Year, a fundraiser for hungry, homeless, and hurting individuals and families across Canada.
The Shannex Team went above and beyond this year and exceeded their fundraising goal by raising approximately $4,000.
Team Shannex included Brad Dykens, Deborah Baxter and her son Hayden and friend Oliver, Nora Newcombe, Helen Nickerson, Jenn Comeau, Cassie Lynn and her husband, Janelle Penner, Jennifer Penner and two of their friends.
Thank you to everyone who supported and participated in this campaign. And a big thank you to Brad for his great leadership with this fundraiser!
The above story was also featured in our April 2017 issue of Connections. Click here to read more great stories from our corporate publication.