Thomas Hall
Ken does not proclaim to be a romance expert, however he did say ‘things have never been better’ in his relationship with his beautiful bride of 66 years, Carolyn.
Ken visits Carolyn daily at Thomas Hall to offer encouragement, care, affection, and occasionally a latte or two. Carolyn said she fell in love with Ken when she was 14.
When asked what attracted her to him, atfirst, her reply was, “his kind eyes, they reflected such a caring nature.”Ken, a known builder in the community, has always been a hard-working man. Perhaps, this contributed to the fact that he said there was “little time for arguing.” He stated that he and Carolyn worked as a team, “it’s a two-way street… both have to give a bit”.
He went on to say that they are just normal people that have experienced difficult times like a lot of couples and believe their faith in God had helped. “Giving up was not an option,” says Ken. Carolyn felt the same and said that they were both determined to “make it work”.
Carolyn and Ken exemplify the meaning of true love and symbolize that love has no bounds.