Laura Gallagher, Angela Hamill, Alyssa Duplessie, Natalie Thorne, Roshan Karkada Cathy MacPherson, Kim Gallant. Missing: Colleen Gagnon
Shannex is Committed to Investing in its Great People and Communities.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Clinical Leadership Program in September 2024. This program supports our strategic priorities, specifically in areas of improving resident wellbeing and the employee experience. The program is open to Directors of Care, Health Services Managers, Client Services Managers, Community Managers and Site Managers in our Shannex Enhanced Care, Parkland, and Faubourg communities across Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Ontario.
Delivered over a 12-month period, the program consists of nine full-day in-person sessions with ongoing support and mentorship from a member of the Clinical Leadership Team.
Session topics include:
(1) Clinical Excellence, (2) Service Excellence and Resident & Family Relationships, (3) Risk Mitigation & Management, Incident Management, Legal Risk, (4) Continuous Quality Improvement, (5 & 6) People & Culture, (7) Health, Wellness & Safety, (8) Property & Support Services/Emergency Preparedness, and (9) Culinary Services and the Dining Experience.
We are excited to continue to create meaningful and fulfilling experiences for our Great People throughout all stages of their work life with us.