Caledon Cruisers
At Parkland on Eglinton West, a local car group called the Caledon Cruisers visited residents for a morning of car viewing. The community’s oldest resident, Audrey Hines, enjoyed the event and was photographed with a 1917 Ford.

Can you hear the wedding bells ringing?
Parkland Ajax hosted the wedding of Julia Wild and Phil Grenfell surrounded with friends and family members. They were joined by residents Jim and Gail Wild.

Dancing at Thomas Hall
Rocky and Vickie Knight dancing the day away at Thomas Hall.

Heading out to sea!
Resident Ken Copland and caregiver Sophie Serrano heading out on a boat cruise with the Parkland on Eglinton West community.

Frederick Hall BBQ
The team at Frederick Hall enjoyed a fun and food filled BBQ!

Home Office CHESNC
Home office team members attended the Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society National Conference to learn about new heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) standards and carbon neutrality.

Greener Village
The residents at Parkland Fredericton chose Greener Village, a group focused on addressing hunger, to receive $500 from their resident fund. This money was raised through activities such as draws, yard sales and gift baskets.

Lifestyle Consultants Conference
The Parkland Lifestyle Consultants gathered at Home Office in September for the Lifestyle Consultant Conference.

Golf Tournament
The Miramichi Garden Club crafted 159 delicate bouquets, made with teacups donated by the Miramichi community.

Grandparents Day
Parkland at the Gardens residents Blois Hennigar and Elise Doane enjoying some ice cream to celebrate Grandparents’ Day on September 8.