Miramichi Communities

One of our Shannex Excellence Awards recipients for Volunteer Excellence was our trusted partner, the Anglophone North School District (ASD-N) in Miramichi, NB. We presented them with this award in recognition of their acts of kindness and for creating meaningful intergenerational connections with our residents.
Our two licensed nursing homes, Bridgeview Hall and Losier Hall in Miramichi, NB are always delighted to welcome students from ASD-N who bring smiles and laughter to residents. Whether it’s for a co-op placement opportunities or for an on-site event, stopping by on Halloween in their costumes, handing out candy on Valentine’s Day or carolling during the holidays, this important partnership brings so much joy to residents, their families and team members.
Through the “New Horizons for Seniors” program from Employment and Social Development Canada, ASD-N even purchased technology equipment so these intergenerational connections could continue throughout the pandemic. Residents would look forward to these conversations with students and enjoyed sharing their incredible stories and important lessons that they’ve learned over the years.