President’s Message
août 1, 2023
Welcome to the summer issue of Connections.
A little over a year ago, we held our first ever Great People Party and launched the Blue Book, a guide for new team members to learn about our history, values and Guiding Principles. At that time, we decided the month of May would become Great People Month. There’s a reason why we need a month-long calendar to recognize and celebrate the Great People of Shannex and you’ll see why when you read many of the storiesin the following pages.
One of my favourite events of the year takes place during Great People Month: The Shannex Excellence Awards. This is an evening dedicated to celebrating some of our brightest stars and I am so proud to attend each year. These individuals have gone above and beyond to ensure residents’ wellbeing and happiness, and their contributions have truly set the standard of excellence within our organization.
Another important event happened in early June when our Enhanced Care team members participated in the rigorous process of Accreditation which saw surveyors visit 20 of our licensed nursing homes in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. It’s my pleasure to share that this process resulted in Shannex being Accredited with Commendation under the Qmentum Long Term Care (QLTC) accreditation program. This level of recognition is awarded to organizations that surpass the fundamental requirements of the Accreditation program. This is an exceptional achievement. We will have Accreditation activities each year to maintain Accreditation standards. We work hard each day to ensure that we are always improving the quality of service and care for residents in our communities and we have already begun actioning some of the feedback received as part of the accreditation experience.
It’s such an exciting time for our growing organization. We have an incredibly talented team of Great People who are working hard each day to place residents first as they deliver on our strategic priorities, and we are continuing to grow with new communities to better serve the needs of active older adults.
There is certainly a lot to keep us busy, so I hope you also take time this summer to enjoy experiences with family and friends, and of course to read this issue of Connections.
Jason Shannon
President, Shannex