The Safe Transfer and Repositioning Program is a cornerstone of resident care and a critical element in our health and safety program, which invests in best practice tools, techniques, technology and training to continuously improve our residents’ well–being–and our team members’ safety.
“Much like a chef with all the right ingredients, we have everything needed to craft a recipe for success in resident transfers and staff well-being. It’s the perfect blend of compassion, expertise, and technology that makes our program truly outstanding,” said Louise, Director of Health, Wellness and Safety.
At our Flight into the Future event on October 17th in Nova Scotia, our Health, Wellness and Safety team, Clinical Quality Improvement Specialist and vendor partners Arjo, Bellwether, and HandiCare brought together allied health team members and clinical managers for a day of learning.
“We wanted this learning summit to reinforce that when we combine our best practices, technology, and trained team members, the magic happens and results in a safer environment for residents and staff,” said Louise.
The next session takes place on November 9th in New Brunswick.