One of the wonderful things about Great Connections is that they come to us from many different perspectives. We get stories about exceptional resident care from family members, residents and other employees. Here is a story about Paul Healey, Continuing Care Assistant (CCA), submitted by Joy MacKinnon, Human Resources Partner, who happened upon a touching scene in the halls of Arbourstone Enhanced Care (AEC) in Halifax.
Paul has worked as a CCA for AEC for about 9 years. Last week I was visiting the floor Paul was working on. In the distance I was able to hear a beautiful angelic voice singing. When I turned to see where it was coming from and who was singing, I saw Paul with his hand on a resident’s shoulder looking at her and singing to her. The resident looked so content and calm. I could tell that for a moment the resident was in a different world, a much happier place.
We would like to thank Paul for his amazing approach and Joy for recognizing her colleague’s dedication to care.
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