- One year into ISO 50001 certification process
- Launched the Sustainability Task Force committees
- Online Green Ideas form created
- Initiated a face mask recycling program
- Energy Management policy and Energy Management System Manual developed
- Introduced environmental management programs: waste reduction, sustainable procurement and efficiency partnerships
- Annual Quality of Life survey
- Continuation of Resident and Family Advisory Committee
- Community led Resident and Family Councils
- New Brunswick LTC communities contributing Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) reporting
- Women make up 81.5% of all staff and 61% of the Executive Team
- Launched leadership training program on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging
- Accreditation re-certification process with Accreditation Canada underway
- Caught You Being Great and Caught You Being Safe programs launched
- Workplace Wellness Strategy launched, focused on creating and sustaining a healthy workplace culture
- Established Insights Lab, 5 students hired
- YMCA SPELL pilot partnership to support linguistics through the nursing licencing exam
- 492 participants trained through the Centre for Excellence
- Established International Recruitment Task Force
- 59 summer term students and 262 co-op work term placements
- Received the Excellence in Business Award from the Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce
- Three annual nursing scholarships offered through University of New Brunswick
- Inclusive Action Committee created
- Hosted student innovation Hackathon in partnership with Dalhousie University